
Image by Aidan Howe from Pixabay

So, did you vote in Jon Hyman’s Worst Employers of 2020 poll?

I would have voted for the company accused of having plant managers that organized a cash buy-in, winner-take-all betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many employees would test positive for COVID-19. Continue reading

Approximately 6 hours and 37 minutes after my blog post yesterday about “Preparing for Exceptions To Your Business’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program” went live, I received an email from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

It read something like this: Continue reading


Image by Erin Stone from Pixabay

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires an employer to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment, except when such accommodation would cause an undue hardship.

In the history of ADA, I don’t know of any court that has concluded that an employer must accommodate an employee’s use of medical marijuana. That’s because, federally, marijuana is still an illegal drug. (It’s on the Schedule One list). But, what about accommodating someone who uses medically-prescribed synthetic marijuana to treat the symptoms of an underlying disability? Continue reading

Pretty much none of you who emailed me after yesterday’s post about state-mandated vaccines were too keen on that idea.

But, speaking of COVID-19 and safety precautions, let’s see what you think about today’s twist. Continue reading


Image by Liz Masoner from Pixabay

Enough with the “Can companies require employee COVID-19 vaccinations?” articles already! Yes, they probably can, subject to disability and religious accommodations.

But, what if, instead of an employer mandating vaccinations, an entire state did so for nearly all of its residents? No, I wasn’t just clickbaiting you with the title of this blog post. One state actually has a pending bill. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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