
Suppose your company receives a complaint from an employee that one of his co-workers is voicing support for Vladimir Putin. The company investigates and validates the complaint. Can you fire the co-worker? Sure. We covered that yesterday. But that wasn’t the tricky question.

Should the company fire the Putin supporter? Continue reading


Fortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is waning. Yet, past workplace incidents are now surfacing in court as COVID-19 discrimination lawsuits. A common thread with many of these lawsuits is an employee with COVID-19 who gets fired and claims disability discrimination.

That begs the question: when is COVID-19 a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

I’ll supply a fact pattern. You grab a gavel, black robe, and perhaps one of those white wigs, and we’ll see what you think. Continue reading


Did you happen to catch my friend Jon Hyman’s blog post about employers who surreptitiously install tracking software on electronic devices to monitor their employees?

Your mileage may vary as to whether it’s good for business. In some states, it may be downright illegal.
Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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