munroe.jpgEarlier this year, a local teacher was suspended after her school learned about nasty comments on her personal blog concerning her students. And that story became national news. More on the history here, here, and here.

Now, word has it that the school is considering a social-media policy. Well, it’s about time! What’s in the policy and does it go too far? Find out after the jump.

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Back on August 26, in this post, I gave the heads up that the National Labor Relations Board would require most private-sector employers to post a notice, in a conspicuous location, informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, which includes the right to form a union.

That poster is now available for download. You can find a copy of it here. Copies also are available from any of the NLRB’s regional offices

My law firm has an e-Alert that went out yesterday about the poster. You can read that here. Or, you can check out the NLRB’s frequently asked questions about the posting requirement here. For even more information on how this posting requirement could affect your business, contact a labor-and-employment attorney. (Hey, I’m a labor-and-employment attorney!)


You know what’s not a good business practice for a car dealership? Referring to an older male employee as “old man,” “pops,” and “old mother******” and then steering car sales away from him to younger employees. Age discrimination is serious business, yo.

Details on this gem after the jump…

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With so many employment laws out there, it’s not easy to keep track of what those laws say — let alone under which of them your business may be covered.

Well, who loves ya! After the jump, it’s employment laws by the numbers — number of employees that is — that your business must employ to be covered under certain specific federal employment laws. (I’ll even throw in a few extra state statutes for my PA/NJ/DE readers).

GREAT BIG DISCLAIMER: What you’ll find after the jump are the numerosity requirements for various federal laws. There are a slew of other legal hoops through which your business may need to jump. Be smart. Discuss them with an attorney. 

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A longtime employee of the Secretary of State’s office in Illinois claimed that two white managers targeted him for termination because he is black, and two white employees, one of whom was his supervisor, received lesser discipline even though they had engaged in the same alleged misconduct.

Is that right? Can a black employee claiming that he was treated differently because of his race compare himself to a white supervisor for purposes of proving his discrimination claim? Find out, after the jump.

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i·ro·ny (noun) [ahy-ruh-nee]: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sued The Scooter Store, a purveyor of power chairs for the disabled, for disability discrimination.


Earlier this year, reports of a Connecticut ambulance company firing an employee who had complained about her supervisor on Facebook, grabbed the headlines. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) complained that the firing was illegal. And although the company contended that it did nothing wrong, free speech advocates spewed hellfire and brimstone. Ultimately, the bloodlust subsided when that case settled.

Several months later, the NLRB is at it again. However, this time, for the first time, an NLRB Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) has found, after a full hearing, that an employer unlawfully fired employees for Facebook postings. Oh, by the way, the employer involved is non-union. More on this important decision and what it means for private employers after the jump.

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Yesterday was Labor Day. And on Labor Day we honor the working men and women who are the lifeblood of American industry.

Most of us spent the day with family or friends, barbecuing or just taking it easy with a cold beer. Not me.

I spent the day making a special gift for employers. The way I figure it, no one gets honored on the day after Labor Day…until now.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the most underrated aspect of the NFL lockout ending is that we get Fantasy Football in 2011.

What else would I have done with my Sunday afternoons?

Now, I can dominate with my 60″ flatscreen TV (Eagles), one iPad (DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket app tuned to the Red Zone channel), one laptop (multitasking between fantasy football live scoring and Tweetdeck for streaming scoring, news and injury updates), and one iPhone (in case I miss anything else) setup.

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