rights poster.pngI’ve beaten it to death on this blog.

The National Labor Relations Board created a rule that will require most private-sector employers to post this notice, in a conspicuous location, informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, which includes the right to form a union.

Here’s the latest…

PoniesRemember back in July 2011 when I told you that a miniature horse might be reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Giddy-up! I whinny! 

Ok, I’ll quit horsing around.

(I mare or may not be referring to a printed-out list of horse puns as I type this…)

More on this hare-raising story — rabbit puns too? Really, Eric? — after the jump…

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ConfidentialLast week, Jon Hyman at the Ohio Employer Law Blog was on point with this good post discussing a recent National Labor Relations Board Administrative Law Judge decision. The case involved what the NLRB General Counsel believed was an overly-broad social media policy in two regards:

  • It banned employees from using social media to comment on work-related legal matters; and
  • It required company-permission be given before employees post images/video online.

Make sure to read Jon’s post for the full-scoop. I promise not to give away the ending (until later in this post, when I give away the ending). But, after the jump, I’m going to examine another aspect of the case; namely, a confidentiality provision that the ALJ deemed overly broad. I’ll also add a few ideas for you to keep your confidentiality provisions compliant with the National Labor Relations Act.

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Fondue Fribourger StübliIt was either the Mr. Rogers approach or the Seinfeld approach. In the end, I chose Jerry to add some levity to what is otherwise going to be a very boring blog post.

You’ve been warned.

According this report released last month from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the complexion of the federal workforce really isn’t changing all the much. In FY 2010, there were over 2.8 million people employed by the federal government, of whom 56% were men and 44% were women. Of that total:

A severance agreement helps to allow businesses to ensure that former employees don’t sue. The concept is fairly simple: in exchange for $X, the former employee agrees to release the company from every claim under the sun from the beginning of time through the date the former employee signs the agreement (or seven days after the agreement is signed in cases where the employee releases claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act).

Where am I going with this? Let’s take a hypothetical. Assume that ABC Company decides to lay off two employees: Bob and Mary. Both worked the same position, have the same seniority, and reported to the same supervisor. However, ABC offers Bob six weeks of severance and Mary only three weeks of severance. Does Mary have a potential gender discrimination claim against ABC?

The answer follows after the jump…

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On Employment Legislation:

Just when you thought you had the employment law landscape figured out, along comes pending legislation that could change everything. From age discrimination claims to workplace flexibility to unionization and labor organizing, new bills in the House and Senate may change the way you run your business. Here I am discussing all that jazz with Stephanie Thomas at the Proactive Employer.

On Social Media:

hollowglobe.jpgNow in autotune.

(Betcha didn’t expect that).

Yesterday, we were rapping (without the benefit of autotune) about immigration status and unlawful discrimination and concluded that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of immigration status (although national-original discrimination is unlawful). And we know from a super-hot “Fact or Fiction” post last year that Title VII covers Americans who are employed abroad. It was so hot.

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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