
I’ve practiced law for over twenty years, mainly as an employment lawyer. In that time, I’ve lost track of the number of times that I’ve counseled employers on their obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Some of those have involved accommodating employees with end-stage renal disease and adjusting work schedules to allow for dialysis appointments.

But, an accommodation request to perform dialysis at work? That’s a new one.

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Tomorrow, I’ll be presenting “Weeding through the Haze: State and Federal Marijuana Laws and Implications” at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s 2023 EXCEL Training Conference in Washington, DC.

Between now and then, I’ll need to update my slide deck. Continue reading


In February 2023, the State of New Jersey enacted a law that a federal judge described as “novel and landmark legislation aimed at protecting a ‘particularly vulnerable’ workforce from abusive labor practices.” It’s called the Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights. Continue reading



Yesterday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released a new technical assistance document called “Visual Disabilities in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

Sure, you could read all 59 pages of it. Or I can digest it here for you in a few hundred words—your choice. Continue reading


Last night, I read a New Jersey federal court opinion involving a woman who lived and worked remotely in New Hampshire for a company in New Jersey. She sued under New Jersey law, alleging she received less pay than certain male co-workers. The defendants moved to dismiss the action because the remote worker did not live or work in New Jersey. But the court denied the motion.

Here’s why. Continue reading


We began July with New York City starting to enforce its law that requires companies hiring with artificial intelligence to notify candidates, provide candidates with particular information about data collected and analyzed, and independently audit the technology. It’s all in the name of removing bias from the hiring process, which the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has warned employers about, too.

Now, two Senators are co-sponsoring legislation they claim will “protect and empower workers by preventing employers from relying exclusively on artificial intelligence or bots to make employment decisions.” Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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