My mind…blown!

Yesterday, the local internet feeds were flooding us with news that Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean McCoy allegedly left a 20-cent tip at a local restaurant at which he and some friends had lunch on Monday. The “smoking gun” was a copy of what is purported to be McCoy’s lunch receipt from the restaurant.

I read “Eagles Player LeSean McCoy Just Left a 20-Cent Tip at PYT” on, and “LeSean McCoy tips 20 cents at PYT. The restaurant, PYT, even posted about it on its own Facebook page, complete with a copy of the supposed McCoy receipt.

See how a federal appellate court shut out a plaintiff’s claims of retaliation after she was fired for forwarding confidential documents to herself, purportedly to preserve evidence for an age-discrimination lawsuit filed by a former coworker.

What I did there, you see that?

After the jump…

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Trial is over!

I’m coming atcha live and direct from the bloggerdome with a sweet defense verdict in my pocket. Yup, yup!

[cue music]

[cue music]

And what do I come back to? A precedential Third Circuit opinion discussing an employee’s right to return to work from FMLA.

I’ll cover that for you after the jump…

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