Over yesterday’s lunch hour, SHRM hosted a fantastic webinar entitled, “Changes to the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rules,” featuring Michael Eastman and Nancy Hammer. If you missed it, and you’re interested in learning more about the single most important change in the law for 2016 to impact your business, you can catch the one-hour replay here. Or, you can view my not-so-snarky live tweet recap here.

Either way, it’s worth your time.

(And, by “either way,” I mean skip my tweets and register for the webcast on-demand).


Hey lawyer! Drop the selfie stick and slowly back away…

Somewhere between the time that I took this selfie at the start of my FMLA/ADA session at the 2015 SHRM Annual Conference, and a few minutes later when the laptop with my PPT lost power (so, right when my bowels gave out heart sank and I openly wept), the US Department of Labor decided it was time to propose some new overtime rules.

What can I say? The gods of good timing really pissed in my Cheerios yesterday.

(Special shout-out to the SHRM IT support team that had me up and running again with a minute, and to the awesome SHRM audience that never lost faith in the kid).

Here’s a brief recap of the proposed OT rule change: Continue reading

Apple in HandOk, presumably, I’m not the only employment lawyer trying to apply the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges to the employer-employee relationship. But, I can guarantee that this will be the best post you read about it today.

#noguarantees Continue reading

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