DNA modelDo you follow me on Twitter? If you do, you may have watched me live-streaming some of my one-year-old, who won Halloween hands-down. Well, that and you would have gotten the early heads up that the EEOC was issuing its proposed rules on the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), and its impact on your employer wellness programs.

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The bottom of the first page of this recent federal court opinion in EEOC v. Star Transport, Inc. really grabbed my attention:

In December 2008 or January 2009, Edward Briggs became Star Transport’s Human Resources Manager. He received no training on anti-discrimination laws, was not aware of any exceptions to the “at will” employment policy, had never heard of Title VII, and had no understanding of the company’s obligation to accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs. Gene Ozella was Star Transport’s Personnel Manager from 2008 to 2011; he also received no training on anti-discrimination laws…

How do you think this religious discrimination case is going to end for the employer?

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Last Friday, I had the honor and privilege of presenting at the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals’ Education Conference. The class was essentially a primer on the basics of employment law, during which I emphasized both the types of claims on which paralegals may assist clients, and the employment-law issues that the audience may encounter for themselvesat work.

We explored discrimination, disability accommodations, family and medical leave. And then we got to the Fair Labor Standards Act.

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Greenwich Village Halloween Parade (6451247485)
You should know the drill by now. Once a month, I get to take a day off from blogging and hang out with the Bronies send you over to another HR/employment-law blogger who, in turn, shares with you tons of links to topical blog posts that would only appeal to HR-compliance nerds. And speaking of HR-compliance nerds….

You’re all in luck, chumps. Mike Haberman is hosting this month’s Employment Law Blog Carnival at the HR Observations Blog.

What are you waiting for? Get the heck off my porch and go to Mike’s blog!

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Last year, at about this time, I blogged here about a case involving some employees who thought that their employer had underpaid them. So, they discussed the matter at work. And then continued their conversation on Facebook, where they used language that wouldn’t quite make an Eagles fan in the 700 level of old Veteran’s Stadium blush. But, it would have earned a young Meyer some soap in the mouth.

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Fact or Fiction?That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.”

Many claims of discrimination require proof of what’s called an “adverse employment action.” A firing would qualify; so would an unpaid suspension. (But, not a paid suspension). Really, it’s anything that “materially adverse” to one’s job.

Ok. Suppose an employer withholds a discretionary bonus. Could that be discriminatory?

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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