
How was your Fourth of July weekend?

Did you knock your 5-year-old off of her scooter in the middle of Main Street to the shocked and judging, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs….” of spectators on both sides of the street with smartphones up capturing all of the parade action for posterity?

***checks YouTube again***

Well, neither did I.

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You may get your passport revoked if you hate on the free kick prowess of French soccer star, Dimitri Payet. Nasty!

But, if you work in a tipped position and you question the generosity of French soccer players when leaving gratuities, then, hasta luego. Not even the National Labor Relations Board can save you.   Continue reading

boxing gloves

Or, as Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) proclaims in this press release for the introduction of the Fair Employment Protection Act of 2016, this legislation “restores workplace protections to ensure that Americans harassed on the job by their supervisors are treated fairly and receive the justice they deserve.”

It’s all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

***ducks Bernie Sanders paperweight***

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Social Media

Number 1: Eric often resorts to click-bait headlines, especially when his wife’s only post on this blog receives lots of hits and reader accolades. And, Eric’s only accolades sound something like, “Oh, in real life you’re not as short as I thought you’d be.”

Ok, that doesn’t count as a revelation.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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