
If only a federal appellate court had reacted that way when a female plaintiff claimed an equal pay violation because she and other females were paid less than the “local industry standard.” But, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals wasn’t buying the ‘back-of-the-envelope math’ the plaintiff was selling.

Allow me to explain. Continue reading


Just as I had finished raiding my kids’ hauls for all the Butterfingers and 100 Grands, it was at that moment that I remembered that the sweetest part of Halloween, the real HR nerd candy, was that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had announced the opening of 2022 EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection.

Then, I grabbed a few mini boxes of Nerds too. Continue reading


Suppose that several employees complain that a coworker is creating a “hostile work environment” because they were afraid that she (the coworker) was going to report them (the employees) for engaging in unspecified misconduct in the workplace.

Can the employer respond by mandating an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral as a condition of the coworker’s continued employment?

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A tenured professor in a university’s history department learns of “discrimination” and “marginalization” of Hispanic employees within the department. The university appoints him to an “Equity Committee” to address the problem. As part of his remediation efforts, the professor creates a “salary report” confirming instances of pay disparity among minority professors. He then circulates the report to colleagues and supervisors.

Will the professor have a viable retaliation claim if the university later takes against the professor because of the salary report?

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