Are you prepared to address drug- and alcohol-related disabilities and leave issues under the FMLA and ADA?

At some time in their lives, millions of Americans have abused drugs and alcohol. While many are in recovery, others continue their struggle. Inevitably, your workforce will feel the impact.

Join this new discussion to learn about the applicable employment laws, available accommodations and leave options under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and hear recent court cases and legislation and take away some best practices you/your organization can use.

HobbyLobbyStowOhio.JPGI teased it in Friday’s post.

Last week, a Michigan federal court held (here) that a workplace dress code that requires one gender to conform to a sex stereotype (e.g., men must wear suits, and women must wear dresses) is “direct evidence” of sex discrimination. But, the employer in the Michigan case refused to waver from the letter of the dress code, and avoided a sex discrimination claim under Title VII.

Why? Because Hobby Lobby.

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Grand Palace dress code

Just for today, head on over to LinkedIn, and check out my post about how strict application of your dress code could result in a nasty sex discrimination claim.

(And a little teaser for Monday — I’ll explain why the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision may trump Title VII and allow some employers to discriminate).

Aroldis Chapman 2010 (3).jpg

It is fairly common for Major League Baseball pitchers to have music played when they enter a ballgame. For example, the great Mariano Rivera famously entered games in the ninth inning to Metallica’s Enter SandmanAroldis Chapman (pictured above), can hurl a baseball 103 miles per hour with his left hand. He enters games to the sweet soothing Wake Up by Rage Against the Machine.

Except, something changed earlier this week.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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