If your Saturday night consists of nerding up on HR compliance with both the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, why fight it? We’re kindred spirits. So, take my hand…

Or, maybe just email me — yes, email is better — for the scintillating PowerPoint debuting today at the 2016 PA SHRM State Conference.

And prepare for a magical 9/24.

A tight squeeze Project 365(2) Day 357

Earlier in the Summer, I blogged here about this federal court opinion, recognizing that a convenience store may have violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by firing a diabetic cashier.

The facts showed that the diabetic cashier twice violated the store’s grazing policy by removing bottles of orange juice from the store cooler without immediately paying for them. Except, she may have taken the OJ, because the store otherwise refused to accommodate her disability. Continue reading

Black List logo

In 2014, President Obama signed the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order. Folks like me on the management-side refer to this Order as the Blacklisting rules. In general terms (I’ll get a little more specific below), the Blacklisting rules require prospective federal contractors and subcontractors to disclose anything that may appear on a laundry list of labor-and-employment-law faux pas.

Last month, the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council (FAR Council) issued the final rules and guidance implementing the Executive Order.

If you read on, I’ll tell you who’s covered by the Blacklisting rules (hint: lots of government-contractor employers), what they say, and when they take effect. I’ll also include some tips about how you can proactively prepare for these Blacklisting rules now.

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To the Connecticut Employment Law Blog, which just celebrated its ninth birthday on September 14. Authored by my friend Daniel Schwartz, a partner at Shipman & Goodwin LLP, this awesome employment-law blog inspired me to get my employment-law blog on.

If you’ve never checked out Dan’s blog, what the heck are you waiting for? Go!

Dan – Below is a little present to a die-hard Yankees fan from an Olde Towne Team supporter. It’s the best I could do on short notice. Enjoy!

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TMZ — respect, I get stories from TMZ — reports here that a server at a Maryland restaurant blasted Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams on Facebook for allegedly tipping him $0.75 on a $128.25 meal tab:

“Just now at work I had Deangelo Williams come in and I waited on while tending bar. His check was $128.25. He left me $129 with no tip but .75 cents. So there you go Stealers fans, your running back is cheap as s**t!!! Smh.” 

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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