Sex On The Beach

Actually, I’m not talking about the drink.

No, the case I’m addressing today has actual sex on the beach. And allegations of sexual harassment and disparate treatment.

It involves an outside sales representative — let’s call her “Plaintiff” — and the son of the company President, during a boat trip in Mallorca, Spain.

Hey, if you ever want to hear some good stories at a lawyer cocktail party, seek out the employment folks. Just sayin’.

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I know y’all are waiting with baited breath — wait, hold do you bait breath? Like a putting a worm on a fishing line or something?


Right, as I was saying, I know y’all are waiting with bated breath for me to publish all of those reader-submitted holiday-party “yowzas” I asked you to email me yesterday. But, let’s give that one more day to marinate — build the suspense.

(You can still get in the on the party. Just read yesterday’s post and holler at your boy).

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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