Gender Neutral Bathroom Sign Baby Wale Restaurant DCLate last month, I blogged here about some smoke signals from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that it may be backpedaling on pursuing discrimination claims on behalf of a transgender employee, in a case where the employer had raised a religious-freedom defense.

Since then, other dominos have fallen, which indicate that the Trump administration is reversing course on transgender rights.

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Amidst controversy, controversy and more controversy, Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants, which owns, operates and fast-food restaurant franchises Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, withdrew his nomination as Secretary of Labor, yesterday.

And, just like that, we’re back to square one.  Continue reading

A little over three years ago, I blogged here about the Senate and House each introducing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act. (FAMILY Act). The FAMILY Act, which never made it out of Congress to President Obama, would have created a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers, male and female.

Well, guess what’s back?

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