
Yesterday, at approximately 5:18 PM EDT, all of the associates at my law firm received the same email. It was from one of my partners, encouraging them to sign up to receive daily updates to this blog via email.

You will learn something from him nearly every day of the week,” wrote my partner.

So, let’s see if we can teach them something — something, other than Eric knows how to make one hella-creepy selfie saltbae gif.
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Do employee-leave issues and ACA woes have you feeling like this?

Well, next month, my friends at Kistler Tiffany and I have got your back. We’re presenting two free, live seminars to help you tackle your ACA, ADA, and FMLA issues.

  • The first will be on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM in Berwyn, PA.

Honey Nut Cheerios BowlIt can pretty darn tough to remain 100% compliant with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Even the experts can slip up. Why, just last week, my kids dimed me out to the feds for paying them in Honey-Nut Cheerios. I later tried bribing them with what was left of my dignity, but to no avail.

So, you know what I’m talking about. Hopefully, you stick with cash instead of General Mills products to pay your employees. But, even so, there are some sticky wickets.

Like paying commissioned employees, when commissions are earned on a monthly basis. Continue reading



Well, I can’t guarantee success, now can I? Especially if you’re an employer, amirite? But, this new Guide to Board Procedures from the National Labor Relations Board will help your attorney better understand Board procedures and processes. Sounds awesome! And, for the rest of you, it’ll help cure your insomnia.

Shhh…if you’re real quiet before the sandman comes, you can actually hear the little clicks from the handful of people who opened this post.

Tomi Lahren by Gage Skidmore.jpgUntil a few weeks ago, I had no idea what a “Tomi Lahren” was?

However, it seems that a lot of folks have heard of her. And, since she’s now suing Glenn Beck and her former employer, TheBlaze, Inc., for wrongful termination, I get to write about it.

And generate some quality clickbait.

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Philadelphia City Hall

Earlier this year, Philadelphia passed a law banning employers from asking about a job applicant’s salary history. In that blog post, I foreshadowed a possible lawsuit from business groups to block the law, which would otherwise take effect on May 23.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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