A few years back, some progressive (?) restaurants around the country made headlines by paying their waitstaff more than minimum wage and putting the kibosh on customer tips.

This broke with the traditional way of paying customarily-tipped employees in scratch offs and iced animal crackers. That is, most employers would pay the minimum-required cash wage of $2.13 under the Fair Labor Standards Act (unless your state requires a higher minimum wage) and use customer tips as a credit against the $7.25/hr. minimum wage obligation to the employee. This is known as, you guessed it, the tip credit.  Continue reading


As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is determined to make the ADEA “more relevant than ever.”

Translation: If your workplace doesn’t get its act together soon, come 2018, you’re gonna be like this if the agency or a plaintiff’s lawyer comes calling.

Fortunately, help is on the way. Continue reading

Honestly, I generally try not to resort to clickbait ledes or trending terms like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Solar Eclipse, Game of Thrones finale spoilers, and leaked Apple iPhone 8 images, to increase web traffic. That’s beneath a professional ***fart*** blogger like me.

But, since you’re here, please form a single-file line. My servers can only handle so many of you at a time.

Thank you. Continue reading

Elizabeth Breton (@3641_1) on Twitter

Remember when I told you (in this blog post, this article, and this tv interview) that private-sector employees have no First Amendment right, while government employees have limited free-speech rights?

I lied.

Actually, I was telling the truth. Today’s blog post proves that. Continue reading

Comic BooksAs I type out this post at 10:15 pm on Sunday evening, there are many reasons why I am thankful that NBC10 in Philadelphia tapped me for an interview that aired on Sunday. Not the least of which is that I can make this blog post a short one, link to the video, and get back to bingeing The Defenders on Netflix.

If you have 9 minutes and 24 seconds to spare today, and you missed last week’s blog posts on the subject, you can watch the video here.



The Department of Labor does most of the heavy lifting for you.

But, today’s blog post is a sobering reminder that when an employer provides DOL-prepared Family and Medical Leave Act paperwork to an employee, it’s just as important for the employer to complete its portion of the forms as it is for the employee to complete his or hers. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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