
When this happened, you knew that I had to do some celebrating. Twice.

So, the fam and braved the long lines (during which my young children got quite a vocabulary lesson) and headed into Philadelphia on Thursday for the Philadelphia Eagles parade. Just us and a few million strangers.

But, football season is over. I’ve caught my breath. I’m back in employment lawyer blogger mode with a 3-in-1 post today. Continue reading


Image Credit: Photofunia.com

Happy belated 25th Birthday, Family and Medical Leave Act.

A couple of my blogging buddies, Jeff Nowak and Jon Hyman, formally recognized the occasion on Monday. Here is Jon’s post. Here is Jeff’s post.

Although I’m late to the party, I did bake a cake. And I today’s post is about a recent FMLA-decision-cum-HR/manager-screw-up that you may want to read all the way through to avoid a similar misfortune. Continue reading


Image Credit: Photofunia.com

Still recovering from a late night of Super Bowl watching, I was looking forward to mailing it in today with a blog post that isn’t exactly going to break any word-count records. So today, I tip my hat to my friends at Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily who reported yesterday on SHRM’s “Harassment-Free Workplace Series: A Focus on Sexual Harassment.”

This is the first part of the SHRM series. It seems like nice blogging fodder. And God bless them, it’s basically a big infographic. Continue reading


Image Credit: Photofunia.com

Over the Summer, I blogged here about the Seventh Circuit’s decision in Severson v. Heartland Woodcraft, Inc. (opinion here).

In Severson, the Court concluded that “a multimonth leave of absence is beyond the scope of a reasonable accommodation under the ADA….Simply put, an extended leave of absence does not give a disabled individual the means to work; it excuses his not working.” (my emphasis)

It’s an excellent opinion for employers, especially those that do business in Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

But, I want to use today’s post to refocus and remind you that leave can be a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Continue reading


Image Credit: Pexels.com

You know what? Strike that. Milk was a bad choice.

When a car dealership allegedly rehired the guy who supposedly drugged and assaulted a female co-worker — now the plaintiff in this action — it bought itself a viable hostile work environment claim. Continue reading

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