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I’ll be honest. Not only am I late by a day in recognizing Equal Pay Day, but I don’t know the etiquette.

Is it “happy”?

I can’t imagine why anyone would be happy about it. Heck, I just Googled and was immediately shown “11 Gender Wage Gap Statistics That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You.Continue reading


I took this picture. Not bad, eh?

Filed under: “Didn’t think I’d be saying that in 2018.”

But, it’s all good.

I am grateful to Ben Eubanks and the Northern Alabama Chapter of Society for Human Resource Management for this opportunity to debut my new and improved “My Employees Can Miss How Much Work?!? Managing the Challenges of Leave Under the FMLA and ADA?” to a fantastic audience of HR professionals in Huntsville, AL today.

Continue reading


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Remember that time one of your employees:

For an employee of a Virginia GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR (oops!), it resulted in her termination of employment late last year. (More on that here.)

As I say a silent prayer to the blogging gods, read on as I discuss the lawsuit the cyclist just filed against her former employer and offer some practical advice for employers. Continue reading


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A couple of readers suggested that I blog today about a waiter in Canada fired for “combative and aggressive” behavior, err, behaviour towards other staff. The waiter has a simple defense, one that he has raised in a civil rights complaint.

He’s French. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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