Black Lives Matter Black Friday (15742148387)

By The All-Nite Images from NY, NY, USA (Black Lives Matter Black Friday) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

A white man who cast himself as a rising star at a midwest bank claimed that his trajectory plummetted after he posted a message on Facebook criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement. Continue reading


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[UPDATED (12:30 PM Eastern): I made a few mistakes in the original post that I am correcting now. First, the link to the paid sick leave law was to a prior version of the law. I corrected that with an updated link. Second, employees can accrue a maximum of 40 hours of paid sick leave per year, not 72 as mentioned in the original post. I have corrected that as well. I apologize for the mistakes and any confusion they may have created. I also clarified the accrual rules. Fortunately, the new law doesn’t take effect for 180 days. So, there is still time to prepare.]

On the heels of passing the strongest equal pay law in the entire nation, New Jersey has outdone itself.

California, eat your heart out. New Jersey has done it again by passing a new law requiring paid sick leave for employees. Continue reading


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We employment lawyers have stories upon stories.

When it comes to the employer-employee relationship, especially when that relationship hits the skids, we’ve seen it all.

But, every once in a while there comes a story that even raises my eyebrows. Continue reading


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Last year, Philadelphia passed a law that banned local employers from asking individuals about their salary history. The purpose of the law was to help close the wage gap between men and women.

Then the local Chamber of Commerce went to federal court to attempt to block the law. Their first attempt was unsuccessful. But, they came back with even more business groups to take a second bite at the apple.

And, yesterday, Judge Mitchell Goldberg ruled on the matter. Continue reading


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I haven’t seen Avengers: Infinity War yet.

So, no spoilers here.

But, I imagine that even if the good guys can combine forces to beat the comic villains, they would still lack the legal acumen to master employee benefits.

For that my friends, you need a real superhero. Continue reading


By US Army [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Late last week, U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) introduced legislation to ban employers and employees from entering into non-competition agreements. Continue reading

Late! chile

By late! [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Last Friday, I blogged about CareerBuilder’s Survey of bizarre excuses for being late to work.

And, don’t get me wrong, there were some good ones in there (e.g., “I was here, but I fell asleep in the parking lot.”), but I had a sneaking suspicion that some of the readers of this blog had heard some better ones.

I was right. Continue reading

In late March, I blogged here about how it was only a matter of time before the State of New Jersey would require local employers to provide men and women the same pay and benefits for performing substantially similar work.

Well, mark your calendars for July 1, 2018.

That’s when the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act will take effect, after Governor Phil Murphy signed it into law on April 24. Continue reading

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