Customer service photo

UnknownUnknown author [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

If you know that one of your customers is getting all racist and handsy with employees, you have to do something about that. You know that, right?

It would appear that one California employer didn’t get the memo. Continue reading


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I just finished binging the first season of Narcos: Mexico on Netflix, which was awesome! Set in the 1980s, the show explores the growth of the cartel drug trade in Mexico. During one of the episodes, some of the main drug dealers discuss how it is inevitable that marijuana will become legalized.

And how right they were! Continue reading

It’s Cyber Monday. And, since you could’ve rested your deal-finding, typing fingers anywhere. I appreciate that you’re resting them with me before rejoining the masses for some holiday shopping online.

Unfortunately, if you came here looking for links to big savings, I can’t help you. But, what I can do for you on this Cyber Monday is offer your business some different cyber tips. It’s the type of information that could save you thousands, or even millions of dollars if your business stores employee data electronically. Continue reading


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Yesterday, I successfully alienated every reader that doesn’t work in the restaurant industry or otherwise nerd out on Fair Labor Standards Act minutiae.

Today, I double down with idiosyncratic arbitration agreements, specifically those possibly used by New Jersey employers. I promise to get back to something more universal tomorrow. Perhaps, Nova Scotian paid sick leave legislation. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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