Last night, I read with interest — lawyers always read with interest, that’s why we get to charge the big bucks — about a new employment law that will take effect in California at the start of 2020. Continue reading


Image Credit: Grouch (Joker Parody) – SNL (YouTube)

Let’s pretend that you operate a sanitation company. One of your employees — let’s call him ‘Oscar’ — tells you that he would like to take a multi-week sabbatical to learn more about his job and spend some time living in a trash can. Continue reading


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Back in the early Summer of 2017, most of the experts — the pundits, if you will — were predicting that American businesses were not going to spend as much in 2018 on advice from employment law attorneys.

Then, in September 2017, along came a guy named Harvey Weinstein. Continue reading


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Earlier this week, I detailed several feeble retaliation claims that a federal court easily brushed aside.

Today, I’ll talk about another retaliation claim that almost suffered a similar fate until one of the most conservative federal appellate courts in the country breathed new life into it. Continue reading

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch Official Portrait.jpg

By Franz Jantzen, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States, Public Domain, Link

After reading 133 pages of transcripts from yesterday’s two (1, 2) oral arguments in the three LGBT workplace rights cases pending before the Supreme Court, three things are clear to me: Continue reading


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Many of you have Googled or otherwise searched for a job candidate online before extending an official offer. I imagine that there were times that you found something objectionable that caused you to reconsider the offer.

But, how many of you have actually gone so far as to publicize your selection process on social media and shame the candidate? Continue reading


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Whether you were celebrating the second day of Rosh Hashanah, otherwise too busy at work, or love relistening to FMLA webinars, check out a recording of the webinar I presented with a few others yesterday for the Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC). Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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