
Image Credit: https://freesvg.org/1550658029 (Public Domain)

Regular, in-person attendance is generally critical to performing one’s job. So, when an employee exhausts her twelve weeks of leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act only to miss another 33 days of work (resulting in a 59% absentee rate), one’s job security may be in jeopardy.

But, let’s back up a sec, as I tell you the facts of this disability discrimination case I read last night. Continue reading


Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay

Several media outlets, among them Law360 and NBC News, are reporting that Congress almost has a deal done to provide 12 weeks of paid leave to employees to care for a newborn or adopted child or to care for a family member.

But, to take advantage of this paid benefit, you need to work for the federal government. Continue reading


Image Credit: PeakPX.com – License to use Creative Commons Zero – CC0

Every so often, I receive a Google Alert about some knucklehead who writes something inappropriate — usually a racial slur — on a restaurant receipt. Often, the knucklehead tries to explain her or his actions away as a joke.

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Back by popular demand because, frankly, no one is reading this blog today anyway, I’m putting the kids to bed early and getting an early start on Amateur Night keeping up The Employer Handbook tradition of ranking the foods that you will eat tomorrow. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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