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Practicing employment law in the State of New Jersey is both a blessing and a curse. I’ll clarify that. It’s great for me because New Jersey passes new employment laws faster than Joey Chestnut eats Nathan’s Hot Dogs on the Fourth of July. So, rather than put off installing the 24-carat gold retractable Bloggerdome roof until the Fall, we’re moving up construction to the Spring.

It’s not so good for you — and by ‘you,’ I mean those of you that don’t employ anyone in the Garden State — because I keep blogging about these new laws.

And today is no different. Continue reading

“So, Meyer thinks his organized-labor blog posts go over like wet farts, does he? Fam, let’s announce one — no, TWO HUGE DECISIONS in one day, and we’ll see how he gets around writing about them. That blogger nerd!” — National Labor Relations Board Chairman John F. Ring, probably.

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Akron Police Department Ford Explorer -13 (13093389944)

Raymond Wambsgans from Akron Ohio, USA [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

At dinner the other night, someone asked me what I did for a living. So, I told that person that I’m a blogger dammit and people respect me for it an employment lawyer.

She responded with words to the effect of, “When are employees going to learn that there is no such thing as free speech?”

Amen. Continue reading

On Friday, the National Labor Relations Board announced that it will revamp union-election rules to “better ensure the opportunity for litigation and resolution of unit scope and voter eligibility issues.” In other words, it’s a very employer-friendly move. You can read all about it here, here, here, here, and here.

But, a smart guy like me knows that union-themed blog posts generally go over like wet farts here. So, I’m going to pivot into discussing a Supreme Court filing last week from the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that slipped under the radar. It’s one that could change the way businesses must make religious accommodations for employees in the workplace. Continue reading

Back in March, when I debated going on the lam after some completely innocent child labor wage-and-hour shenanigans, the United States Department of Labor announced that it was going to work on a new rule to clarify how companies calculate overtime for employees.

Yesterday, in a low-key announcement at which I did not cut the ribbon, the DOL announced a final rule that will allow employers to more easily offer perks and benefits to their employees. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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