
Image by 350543 from Pixabay

Yesterday, I wrote here about how a small business that obtains a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program can avoid government scrutiny.

But, if you’re more risk-aggressive — or, you know, YOLO! — here’s how to have the U.S. Department of Justice all up in your business. Continue reading


Image by Andrey_Lesya from Pixabay

Amazingly, this piece of cloth creates so much civil unrest right now. But, this isn’t a blog post about whether individuals should have to wear face masks in public, at work, or other local businesses.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a social media firing post. So, this is about a worker that took his distaste for facemasks too far on Facebook. Plus, it’s a reminder about how your business should respond. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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