Late last week, the U.S. Department of Labor issued this Field Assistance Bulletin. It addresses when employees can take Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave based on the closure of summer camps, summer enrichment programs, and other summer programs. Continue reading

About a week or so ago, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reminded employers that federal anti-discrimination law does not require that businesses accommodate older workers due to their age if, for example, they need help returning to work. I wrote about that here.

But, here’s the thing. Continue reading


Image by Mr Salih from Pixabay

Yesterday’s post about employees wearing Black Lives Matter apparel at work was a bit of a lightning rod.

While all of the comments I received were respectful — thank you! — some questioned whether allowing employees to wear BLM face masks, pins, and insignia to work would open the door to others showing support for “White Lives Matter.”

Well, sure enough, between yesterday’s blog post and this one, that’s what we got. Continue reading

If you’ve read the news recently, you may have seen stories like this one and this one about large businesses that had policies against employees wearing pro-BLM clothes and apparel. In those two examples, each of the companies has since changed its policies. You can read more about that here and here.

But, let’s say that your business still wanted to ban employees from wearing Black Lives Matter masks or symbols at work.

Continue reading


Image by Pro File from Pixabay

Last week, OSHA issued some guidance on wearing masks in the workplace. It was kinda vague and underwhelming. Yesterday, OSHA came back with additional guidance on returning to work.  Is it any better than OSHA’s last offering?

Let’s find out. Continue reading

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