Articles Posted in Wage and Hour

Last week, I shared with you eight ways that President Biden changed employment law on Day One. It took me a while to cobble together that post. So, I was kind of hoping that “46” would take a few days off or something so that I could unwind in the blogcuzzi without worrying about any new Biden/HR content for this week.

No such luck. Continue reading

Sam spent 60 hours working on a project for your company last week, for which the business paid Sam $1,000. The company treated Sam as an independent contractor.

But, what if Sam was actually an employee instead? Continue reading

Let’s say that some of your non-exempt employees choose to telework for part of the day and work at the office for part of the day, with enough time to perform personal tasks in between. Do you have to compensate them for the travel time between home and office?

Let’s check out some hypothetical scenarios.

Continue reading

If you operate a restaurant or other establishment with tipped employees, the odds are that wage and hour laws have not been your top priority in 2020 — as opposed to, say, staying afloat.

It’s been a tough year. Continue reading


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Rarely — and by “rarely,” I mean usually — I’ll have an employer client ask me about countersuing an employee that has just sued the company.

First, you’re probably just throwing good money after bad. But, I generally don’t debate this with my more “principled” clients — at least the ones willing to pay me a large retainer 😉.

But, there’s a bigger issue. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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