Articles Posted in Wage and Hour

Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor asked for public comment on how to refresh the existing overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since it’s Monday, your eyes are probably bleary from all that’s been written about the DOL overtime rules, and it’s Monday, allow me to spoon feed you the latest… Continue reading

2012-06-29-699Look. It’s the Friday before a four-day holiday weekend. I need all the clicks I can get.

And, somehow, I need to explain to IT how searching Google Images for “sex talk” serves a business purpose. Wait! I’ll just tell ’em it’s all for the readers. Now, if only one of you would back me up.

[insert tumbleweed]

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Consider this my attempt at “Serenity now” after chaperoning eight kids eight and younger at a Philadelphia Phillies game on Saturday. With a rain delay. And the tiny dancer featured above. Fortunately, we left the ballpark with all of the kids. I think.

Hopefully, my oldest son, Brooks, enjoyed his birthday.

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@RealDonaldTrump on Twitter

It all began last week with a (possible) typographical error in a tweet from our 45th President, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.

At first, President Trump’s tweet confused us; “covfefe” even stumped a spelling bee champ while creating a spike in demand for novelty license plates.

But then President Trump doubled down on Twitter“Who can figure out the true meaning of “covfefe” ??? Enjoy!” Well, his Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, told reporters, “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.”

Folks, you’re in luck! As part of that small group of people, I know exactly what President Trump met. You see, “covfefe” is the solution to all of your HR-compliance problems.

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Sean Combs.jpgWhen others go high, I go low.

Wait a minute! I got that backwards didn’t I?  Dammit! That explains why I didn’t come up with “In Firing Employees, A Bit of Humanity Still Helps.” It’s a pragmatic post inspired by recent events from employment lawyer and blogger, Daniel Schwartz.

Instead, I get my HR-compliance news from a TMZ story entitled, “I HAD TO SERVE HIS POST-SEX MEALS… He Served Up His Junk.” Welp, there’s only one thing left to do, I guess.

Yes, I’d better double down. Continue reading

Elizabeth Warren Nov 2 2012.jpg

So, I’m calling you know what on Senator Warren’s tweet last week.

Yes, the U.S. House of Representatives did greenlight a measure called the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. This bill would allow, in certain situations, the substitution of comp time for overtime. And, if it passes through the Senate, the President is likely going to sign it.

But unlike the scare posts from other publications, which suggest that the sky will fall if the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017 becomes law, I’ll explain why this law is good for employers and employees. Continue reading

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