Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


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The session, entitled “Check-In: EEOC, DOL and NLRB Compliance—A Labor and Employment Law Roundtable,” features an all-star panel of lawyers* and will explore each federal agency’s current compliance environment, enforcement priorities, practical guidelines for navigating difficult compliance issues and best practices. Continue reading

LEGO MARVEL AVENGERSI had one date circled — one date between now and the end of the year.

Later this week, on November 17, Netflix releases Marvel’s The Punisher. If you’ve dorked out gotten culture with any of The Defenders series, then, like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit for this release. But, if you need some enticement, check out the official trailer for Marvel’s The Punisher. It opens with Frank Castle as an early contender for Father Of the Year, teaching his kid Metallica on an acoustic guitar. Seconds later, Castle’s entire family is dead and he’s talking about infiltrating a covert CIA operation. And, at the 1:22 mark of the trailer, we have this exchange between Frank Castle and a sidekick:

Sidekick: You and me, we want the same thing. So, work with me.

Frank Castle: On one condition. I’m gonna kill ’em all.

Sidekick: Yeah, I can live with that.

Dammit, Netflix! Stop twisting my arm! Cause, it hurts so good.

***blows smoke and starts chewing bubble gum cigarette***

Now, if you’re going to circle one other date on the calendar, may I suggest December 7? Yep, I’ve buried the lede long enough. Continue reading

Jerry Jones 2015 (2)Humility is not my middle name. Actually, it’s “Hercules.”

(It’s not Hercules). But, it’s not “Humility” either and I rarely turn down the opportunity to say, “I told you so.” So, remember when I told you a few weeks ago how NFL owners would have a tough time legally firing players who took a knee during the national anthem?

Well, yesterday, United Labor Unions Local 100 filed an unfair labor practice charge against Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones for practically the same thing. Continue reading

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