Articles Posted in Unions (labor relations)


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He called him an “***hole” and “stupid” too. Then, he told the owner that nobody liked him, everyone talked about him behind his back, and even threatened that the owner would regret firing him if he did.

Sure enough, the company violated the law when it fired him. Seriously. Continue reading

Last week, I participated in a webinar called “Labor Relations in Times of Pandemic.” Among other things, we discussed how COVID-19 and the corresponding need for workplace safety and other employee protections could lead to a spike in unionizing efforts. Continue reading

Last Summer, the National Labor Relations Board asked the public to help it decide when employees should be allowed to make racist or sexist comments at work.

I would have assumed that the answer is, you know, “never.” But, then again, I don’t make the rules. Continue reading

“So, Meyer thinks his organized-labor blog posts go over like wet farts, does he? Fam, let’s announce one — no, TWO HUGE DECISIONS in one day, and we’ll see how he gets around writing about them. That blogger nerd!” — National Labor Relations Board Chairman John F. Ring, probably.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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