Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace

oysters on the half-shell - closeup - 2014-09-09I was wondering how I’d top yesterday’s lesson on how to curse out your boss, his mom, and his entire family on Facebook…and keep your job.

So, how about we do Family and Medical Leave Act and social media in one post! Yasssssssssssss! At this blog, that’s like the HR-compliance version of a dozen chilled oysters topped with a Viagra crumble.

I’ll light your cigarette after the jump. Continue reading

Cracker Barrel, 10/2014 by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Cracker #BarrelIn case you haven’t heard, Cracker Barrel fired Brad’s wife — or so we’re told. And, the internet is losing it’s you-know-what.

If you’re late to the party, and don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, read these posts:

  • Why did Cracker Barrel fire Brad’s wife? The Internet demands answers. (WaPo)


The lede could’ve described me in my youngers days
Many years ago
A few years ago
Several months ago
Two weeks ago
Well, maybe it continues to describe me. At least, that’s what the note in my personnel file says.

However, we’re not here today to talk about me…

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5 en raya
Out of 276,376 page views in 2016 — thanks for reading and clicking refresh, dad — these five were straight fire!!!

5. The new DOL overtime rules are here. You’ve got HR questions? I have answers!

4. Foul! Nasty tweets to Steph Curry’s family cost a Cavs fan his job.

The good news for this employee is that her viral Facebook post earned her an award.

The bad news is that the “award” was “Racist of the Week.”

The ugly news — well, other than the post itself — was that the employee lost her job and likely impaired her ability to find similar employment anytime soon.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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