Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace

Pappers.jpgThe list of employees who have lost their jobs because of social media mistakes, well, it’s long. I’ll get you started here and here and here.

Whether it’s on or off the clock, being outspoken — to put it mildly — on social media, doesn’t end well often. But, most social media missteps that I read and blog about involve conscious decisions by employee to do dumb stuff on social media.


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Facebook Password

It’s almost 2016.

By now, who among us: the lawyers, the HR professionals, the owners (Hi there, Mark Cuban, thanks for reading again today), has yet to deal with an allegation of workplace harassment involving social media. Why, just yesterday, I read about an employee who lost his job for going on Facebook and calling a woman — albeit not a female co-worker — a “slut.”

But, how many of us have explored ways that our employees can use social media to address concerns about workplace harassment?

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Logo of LinkedIn

In Pennsylvania, the Rules of Professional Conduct require that an attorney must stay abreast of changes in changes in the law, including the benefits of advances in technology.

LinkedIn was founded over 10 years ago. If you’re reading this and you are not familiar with LinkedIn …

I mean, geez. For a litigator, it’s absolutely essential. And I’m not even talking about having a LinkedIn profile.

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File Nov 08, 2 42 15 PM

As I type this post, I’m watching two of my kids — one dressed as Olaf; the other Elsa — yelling at each other to stop singing Frozen tunes. Now, they’re wrestling — I don’t remember that from the movie. For a snowman, that Olaf is pretty tough. Oh, damn! Parent of the year here has let it go — see what I did there — on too long.


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