Articles Posted in New Jersey

You’ve been here before.

One of your employees just complained about discrimination in the workplace. Or maybe s/he just participated in an HR investigation. A few days or weeks later, s/he violates your work rules and you have clear grounds to fire the employee.

Now you have a conundrum. Do you fire the employee and risk the retaliation claim? Or do you give the employee a pass?
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If you’re old enough, maybe you remember this Miller Lite commercial from the 1970s where Steve “The Miz” Mizerak was just showing off at a billiards table, working up a thirst for his adult beverage of choice: Miller Lite.

Last week, the State of New Jersey passed yet another workplace law. This time, it’s this measure to protect against what’s being dubbed “wage theft.”

I’d say get NJ a glass of something cold, but at the rate at which the Garden State is passing new employment laws, they’d just say, “Hold my drink.” Continue reading

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

Well, it may not be the first rule in New Jersey workplaces – we’ve got plenty of those and many more added in the past 12 months – but the most recent rule in New Jersey: you don’t talk about salary history when interviewing job candidates. Continue reading

Last week, Governor Phil Murphy signed the Jake Honig Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act, which overhauls New Jersey’s Medicinal Marijuana Program (MMP) and its original Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA).

Here are five things that local employers need to know about the amended CUMMA. Continue reading

Blue pencil

User:VasilievVV and user:Jarekt [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

One of the benefits of being a client of this handsome employment lawyer/blogger is a weekly email with links to recent HR news and notes, as well as a bonus HR-compliance tip.

The rest of you deadbeats are stuck with only five free weekly blog posts. Continue reading


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The case is called Wild v. Carriage Funeral Holdings, Inc. So, yeah, it’s “Wild.”

And so as not to bury the lede, the court concluded that the plaintiff, a medical marijuana user, could pursue discrimination claims under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (the LAD) against his employer.  Continue reading

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