Articles Posted in New Jersey


Did you happen to catch my friend Jon Hyman’s blog post about employers who surreptitiously install tracking software on electronic devices to monitor their employees?

Your mileage may vary as to whether it’s good for business. In some states, it may be downright illegal.
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If, like me, you’ve always wondered whether the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) preempts a 2019 amendment to New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD) that prohibits the waiver of procedural and substantive rights under the LAD, try to remain calm. I’m about to blow the lid off this jawn.

(The rest of you can bug out and play Wordle.) Continue reading

2018-07-26 12 18 12 "Welcome to New Jersey" sign along southbound New Jersey State Route 284 just after entering Wantage Township, Sussex County, New Jersey from Minisink, Orange County, New York

Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Earlier this week, Governor Phil Murphy announced that he had signed A681 into law, which expands the scope of the Law Against Discrimination (LAD) — already one of the most comprehensive anti-discrimination laws in the country — by providing protections against age discrimination by employers.

Hey, I’m not complaining. Changes like these will help pay to put my kids through college. But let’s see what this latest amendment is all about. Continue reading


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Since taking office, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has committed to battling worker misclassification, i.e., treating employees as independent contractors. Misclassifying employees as independent contractors can deprive workers of wages and benefits and also have tax ramifications too. Continue reading


Image by Erin Stone from Pixabay

In a landslide victory on election day — ok, a touch of politics — New Jersey voters overwhelmingly supported legalizing recreational marijuana. But where and when can you get it? (Asking for a friend).

And what does legalized recreational marijuana mean for local employers? Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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