Articles Posted in New Jersey


The New Jersey Supreme Court has weighed in not once but twice this month on important employment law issues. So, if you operate a business in the Garden State, I’ll bring you up to speed on that, plus some new pending legislation.

(For the rest of you, have a nice weekend, and maybe add some pork roll or Taylor Ham to your breakfast sandwich.) Continue reading

2016-07-12 16 45 37 Pennsylvania Welcomes You sign along northbound Interstate 83 entering Shrewsbury Township, York County, Pennsylvania from Maryland Line, Baltimore County, Maryland

Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

I read a recent NJ federal court decision where a plaintiff began working for the defendant in New Jersey but later requested and received a transfer to Pennsylvania.

And that’s when things went awry. Continue reading


In February 2023, the State of New Jersey enacted a law that a federal judge described as “novel and landmark legislation aimed at protecting a ‘particularly vulnerable’ workforce from abusive labor practices.” It’s called the Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights. Continue reading


Under a federal law called the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, businesses with 100 or more employees must provide affected workers with 60 days’ notice before a big layoff. It’s a bit more nuanced than that. But, for this blog post, the details aren’t so important.

What does matter today is that New Jersey has its own mini-WARN Act called the Millville Dallas Airmotive Plan Job Loss Notification Act. And it looks like a long-overdue employee-friendly update is about to happen . . . much sooner than many employers thought.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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