Articles Posted in Miscellaneous

Don’t answer that.

Instead, picture this: A well-dressed guy saunters into the Washington Renaissance. Don’t worry, before next week, I’ll wash the stains out of my Metallica hoodie. Ok, Ratt hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync sleeveless hoodie.

He’s cool(ish) and snarky; he’s got an employment law blog and a license to practice law. He’s even got an employment law practice, which some* may say is thriving.

iPhone voice memo

Remember last month when I told you to short crude oil futures and bet the Broncos to win the Super Bowl about how the National Labor Relations Board concluded that an employer could not maintain a workplace rule that banned employees from recording workplace conversations, absent prior company approval. (More on that here).

Well, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, before you get any bright ideas about secretly recording your boss, you’d better think twice.

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There they are.

Those are my kids, after clearing our driveway with the discount shovels that I purchased from the dollar store. (I was tempted to splurge on the gas-powered snowblowers from the two-dollar store across the street; but, I’m not a monster).  So, I did what any proud parent would do. I marketed posed them on a nearby snowmound and forced smiles (under threat of cancelling Disney Jr.) to attract other area homeowners in need of quality labor. Hey, daddy needs a new set of camouflage 22-inch rims.

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Jack Nicholson - 1976.jpg

Because all of the images of Colonel Jessup ordering a Code Red are copyright protected, you get this one of Jack. But, better than Jack, today you get Wednesday’s Powerball jackpot numbers a guest post from my colleague, Jordan Rand. In addition to having a half-decent jump shot, Jordan is developing a niche practice in cyber insurance, which could come in handy for many of you given the data breach risks that your employees present.

Anyway, check out Jordan’s post below. And, if you’re in or around Denver on February 17, check him out at the University Risk Management and Insurance Association’s Western Regional Conference, where he’s presenting “Cyber 2.0: What We’ve Learned So Far and What We Haven’t.”

If you want to connect with Jordan, you can email himContinue reading

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