Articles Posted in Miscellaneous

Thank you to everyone who voted for The Employer Handbook as one of the ABA Journal’s Top 100 law blogs. They also drank the Kool-Aid listened and the blog made the top 100! I am truly honored.

11Blawg100_VoteBlogSmallBlu.jpgNow, top 100 is great and all, but I want to be Number 1. And here’s how you can help in three easy steps:

If you read this blog, then I trust you read other HR/Employment-law-related blogs. And, if you do that, prepare for a December-deluge of “Ten Tips for a Safe, Fun, and Legal Holiday Party.”

Screw all that! Ten tips is so last year.

*** Big dork say “what” ***

“What! What!” After the jump, I’ve collected 72 ways to hold an office holiday party that won’t interfere with you ending the year on an HR high-note…


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Continue reading just released its annual list of most unusual excuses for calling in sick. “Lost track of time browsing” didn’t make the list. (Probably because it’s sooooooo commonplace).

“Siri Assistant, what is the greatest labor-and-employment-law blog of them all?”

“I found three stores in your area that sell Altoids.”

After the jump, the 15 best excuses…

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Yesterday was Labor Day. And on Labor Day we honor the working men and women who are the lifeblood of American industry.

Most of us spent the day with family or friends, barbecuing or just taking it easy with a cold beer. Not me.

I spent the day making a special gift for employers. The way I figure it, no one gets honored on the day after Labor Day…until now.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the most underrated aspect of the NFL lockout ending is that we get Fantasy Football in 2011.

What else would I have done with my Sunday afternoons?

Now, I can dominate with my 60″ flatscreen TV (Eagles), one iPad (DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket app tuned to the Red Zone channel), one laptop (multitasking between fantasy football live scoring and Tweetdeck for streaming scoring, news and injury updates), and one iPhone (in case I miss anything else) setup.


Are you ready for some football?

Better question: do you think you have what it takes to defeat me, a former 610 WIP SportsRadio Midday Show Survivor Pool Champion?

Now you’ll have your chance. The Employer Handbook is hosting a free NFL Survivor Pool, where the winner will take home the picture of Julius Erving and Larry Bird that now hangs in my office — to the right of Allen Iverson’s head. (Yes, that’s my office). Here’s a close up.

More on how this free contest works — you needn’t be a football fan or know anything about football — and how you can sign up, after the jump.

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'Forbidden Planet customer suggestions box' photo (c) 2010, Ged Carroll - license:

The Employer Handbook is fast approaching its ninth month. I’ve had a blast blogging for my readers. And things appear to be running smoothly. But what do I know? I only write this stuff. I don’t have to read it. That’s up to you. We make great a team, don’t we? 

So, let me know…

  • What do you like so far?
“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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