Articles Posted in Miscellaneous

After two days of organized-labor-themed oxygen-sucking blog posts, I’m gonna lighten it up today, with some holiday co-worker gift-giving ideas for you.

Taking my cue from CareerBuilder’s 2014 list of the most unusual holiday gifts exchanged in the workplace, please consider nixing these from your list:

  • A box of Hot Pockets®.

Or maybe it’s the good karma from yesterday’s Social Media @ Work giveaway.

Whatever it may be, I’ll just smile and say thank you to the ABA Journal for honoring The Employer Handbook (again) as one of the top blogs in America.

Special props also go out to the other blogs honored in the Labor and Employment Category:

It’s that time of year again. Open enrollment, flu shots, and’s list of the most creative excuses for missing work.

But before I get to that, how about some missed-work statistics based on responses from 2,203 hiring managers and human resource professionals, and 3,103 U.S. workers (employed full-time, not self-employed, non-government).

  • 28% of employees have called in to work sick when they were feeling well

Back in 2013, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission began investigating Case New Holland, Inc. for age discrimination, or so a complaint that Case New Holland recently filed in federal court alleges.

So, how is this news? Let alone blog news, which is hardly news at all. I should know. I publish this drivel. And I don’t get paid for it. Which makes this the worst kind of drivel.

Anyway, apparently, the EEOC sent 1,330 emails to Case New Holland email addresses trolling for potential class-action plaintiffs — or so the Case New Holland complaint alleges. And by sending those emails, the EEOC violated the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the United States Constitution — or so Case New Holland alleges.

Back when I was a young aspiring blogger — as opposed to the blog king I am now — I asked my audience (here) for some feedback to improve this jawn.

Well, you gave it, I improved it, and I’ve been turning down multi-million dollar offers to sell this piece ever since.

I won’t sell out — yes, I will — because I love you all and no one could handle The Employer Handbook with the grace and dignity it deserves.

I remember a high school classmate of mine who had his mom send in a permission slip to excuse him from missing school for the Philadelphia Phillies’ home opener. Mom’s note indicated that her son was suffering from “Vernal Flu.” 

Get it? Vernal Flu = Spring Fever.

Pretty creative, huh?

I hope that you guys had a nice Memorial Day. Nothing like a good three-day weekend. Although, three of my four children didn’t seem to appreciate that most American businesses were closed for the holiday:

Sorry, kids. 

Maybe, starting the workweek off with the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Small Business Edition over at the Employer’s Corner Blog will cheer them up.

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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