Articles Posted in Paid Time Off

Chris Christie at the 2015 CPAC by Gage Skidmore

But, the guy’s been through so much in the past year.

Plus, I’m not certain that any of my Millennial readers know what Mad Libs are. As far as I know, they haven’t developed a Mad Libs Snapchat filter and Mad Libs wouldn’t make for a compelling podcast. Continue reading

A little over three years ago, I blogged here about the Senate and House each introducing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act. (FAMILY Act). The FAMILY Act, which never made it out of Congress to President Obama, would have created a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers, male and female.

Well, guess what’s back?

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Panthers. Broncos. Meh.

Doritos won the Super Bowl, amirite?

But, for the 10% of your workforce that may be missing work today, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get their opinions on the Super Bowl commercials. Many of those employees told you in advance that today would be a day off. But, what will you do about the others who don’t show up for work?

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Last week, President Obama signed an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to provide paid sick leave. More on that here. The Department of Labor has a roadshow and social media campaign, through which it is touting the benefits of paid family and medical leave. And the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act is currently pending in Congress. This bill would provide create a family and medical leave insurance program.

As the debate over government-mandated paid sick leave continues, Patrick Kulp at Mashable reports here that over 200 faculty members from 88 institutions across the country, including MBA programs at NYU, Harvard and Wharton, have signed this open letter calling upon Congress to adopt a national paid family and medical leave policy.

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Official portrait of President Barack Obama (8390033709)

I swear. If you put ketchup on that Labor Day hot dog, I’ll find and you and— Oh, hey! Didn’t see you there. Happy Tuesday to you. I hope that you had a nice mustard-covered-hot-dog-filled Labor Day. Me? I forgot how bloody awful it was to spend hours in blazing heat miniature golfing with four kids. I was pretty sweet, I tell you.

But, did you see the news yesterday? President Obama signed an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to ensure that employees on those contracts can earn up to 7 days or more (56+ hours) of paid sick leave annually.

Ok, how about the details…

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If you are a Philadelphia employer, check out my post from February and this poster. While the new law requires employers of 10 or more to provide paid sick leave, those with 9 or few employees must still provide unpaid sick leave. If you haven’t done so already, update your employee handbooks.

For the rest of you (and, I suppose, my Philadelphia employer readers too), the results of yesterday’s Facebook poll are in…and not all that surprising.

71% of those who responded would fire an employee who identifies herself on Facebook as one of your employees and, in a status update, praises the murder of two police officers. Others would either discipline/counsel the employee (21%), or do nothing to the employee (4%). One of you would consult the company’s social media policy before taking action. Another one of you would discuss with the employee first and then decide what to do.

Back in December, I warned you (here) that, after two failed attempts to enact paid sick leave in Philadelphia, the third time may be the charm in 2015.

I was right.

(Want to rub my head for good luck? Or hire me as your employment lawyer? Yeah, let’s go with the second one.)

Yesterday, Mayor Nutter signed into law a paid sick leave bill that passed City Council by a vote of 14-2. The new law, which will apply to businesses with at least 10 employees, will allow employees to accrue an hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours of work. It goes into effect in 90 days.

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I had every intention of watching the President address the Nation last night. I really did.

But, then I got sucked into the Director’s Cut of The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan’s Island, the one where the Washington Generals show up first and replace all the confetti with lice. Then poor Lovie Howell takes some shrapnel and, frankly, I didn’t realize that Thurston could order a hit squad so quickly to a remote Island.

By the time I remembered the SOTU, the Harlem Globetrotters were busting out a ladder — sorry, Krusty — and que sera.

Fortunately for me, and, by extension, you, the White House printed a copy of the SOTU, which I could cut and paste expertly analyze for you after the jump…

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