Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies


I had this great post planned for today about the millions of American workers who skip work the day after the Super Bowl — and what employers can do (legally) to address it.

Then, I remembered that I wrote about it back in 2020. So, since I’m feeling lazy pragmatic, you get to take a trip down memory lane.



Back in the Summer, during one of my rare deviations from blogging about COVID-19, I slipped in a post about a bipartisan effort in Congress to end the forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment claims.

Six months later, there are some real signs that this Bill will make it to President Biden’s desk for signature. So, if you have employees that have signed arbitration agreements, keep reading.

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If your company makes its employees sign arbitration agreements, then this post is for you.

The rest of you can get an early start on happy hour find something else to read while sipping your morning cup of coffee. Continue reading

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Image Credit: Robert Couse-Baker on

I’m willing to bet that, somewhere in your handbook, most of you have a section on military or USERRA leave. USERRA protects service members’ reemployment rights when returning from a service period in the uniformed services, including those called up from the reserves or National Guard, and prohibits employer discrimination based on military service or obligation. Continue reading

On Friday, the New York State Bar Association announced its recommendation that every employer in the state require that all workers get vaccinated for COVID-19, except those with legitimate medical conditions or religious concerns. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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