Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies


I got an email last night from a U.S. Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission Commissioner. That email explained why the new “Know Your Rights” Poster that the EEOC touted in a new release was nowhere to be found for much of the day yesterday. Continue reading


Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a series of August events highlighting the importance of maternal health and workplace protections for expectant and new mothers to mark National Breastfeeding MonthContinue reading


People sometimes ask me, “Eric, where do you get all your blog content from?” Often, like today, other blogs inspire me. So, with a big tip of the cap to Evan Brown and his post here at, let’s talk about what you can’t do if you suspect that a former employee has misappropriated your trade secrets. Continue reading


On Monday, I blogged here about an employee using CBD for her migraines who accused her employer of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. It fired her after she tested positive for marijuana on a drug test at work. One of my takeaways from the post was that particular state and local laws may raise the bar for terminating someone who uses medical or recreational marijuana outside of work.

Well, I’m going to assume that the City Council of Washington, D.C. read my blog and was helping me prove my point. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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