Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies

SHRM headquarters in Alexandria, Va..JPG
So, I’m diligently preparing and honing my delivery ***fart*** for my FMLA/ADA presentation this Tuesday at SHRM’s 2017 Employment Law and Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, when, what do I see? It’s a new SHRM study on “employer practices, policies, programs and benefits that address personal and family needs of employees.”

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A little over three years ago, I blogged here about the Senate and House each introducing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act. (FAMILY Act). The FAMILY Act, which never made it out of Congress to President Obama, would have created a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers, male and female.

Well, guess what’s back?

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I’ll open this post with a haiku. Because, I feel like we could all use a haiku.

For HR, what will he do?
Not a stinkin’ clue!

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sleeping-1159279_640Last night, while you we sleeping in your comfy beds — me, on a pile of money, blogging power and, yes, ego — a Texas federal judge entered an injunction against the final “blacklisting” rules and guidance of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council.

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On average, organizations gave mothers 41 paid days of maternity leave, compared with 22 paid days of paternity leave for fathers. That statistic comes from 2016 Paid Leave in the Workplace, a survey recently conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management.

Does this disparity demonstrate discrimination against men?

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