Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies


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[UPDATED (12:30 PM Eastern): I made a few mistakes in the original post that I am correcting now. First, the link to the paid sick leave law was to a prior version of the law. I corrected that with an updated link. Second, employees can accrue a maximum of 40 hours of paid sick leave per year, not 72 as mentioned in the original post. I have corrected that as well. I apologize for the mistakes and any confusion they may have created. I also clarified the accrual rules. Fortunately, the new law doesn’t take effect for 180 days. So, there is still time to prepare.]

On the heels of passing the strongest equal pay law in the entire nation, New Jersey has outdone itself.

California, eat your heart out. New Jersey has done it again by passing a new law requiring paid sick leave for employees. Continue reading


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I haven’t seen Avengers: Infinity War yet.

So, no spoilers here.

But, I imagine that even if the good guys can combine forces to beat the comic villains, they would still lack the legal acumen to master employee benefits.

For that my friends, you need a real superhero. Continue reading


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I have trained you well. We’re gonna cut the ropes to let you fight Tong Po.

(Maybe, going with a random Kickboxer reference wasn’t the best metaphor for this audience.)

Ok, let’s start over. Continue reading

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During a week-long vacation from work, a Pennsylvania woman claims that some colleagues logged into her Facebook account from work and reviewed her Facebook Messenger messages, among other things. The woman further claims that when she returned to work from vacation, her employer fired her because “things had come to light.”

And now she’s suing in federal court.

Continue reading


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It’s been a while since we addressed the legalization of medical marijuana in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and what that means for employers. It was about two years ago to be precise.

Last October, I presented on this topic at the SHRM Lehigh Valley “annual” October Conference.  But, many of you weren’t there. And, with the first medical marijuana dispensaries opening for business this weekend, this seems like as good a time as any to update my Pennsylvania peeps on what that means for your workplace.

(The rest of you can connect with me on LinkedIn.) Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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