Articles Posted in Arbitration


If, like me, you’ve always wondered whether the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) preempts a 2019 amendment to New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD) that prohibits the waiver of procedural and substantive rights under the LAD, try to remain calm. I’m about to blow the lid off this jawn.

(The rest of you can bug out and play Wordle.) Continue reading


Back in the Summer, during one of my rare deviations from blogging about COVID-19, I slipped in a post about a bipartisan effort in Congress to end the forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment claims.

Six months later, there are some real signs that this Bill will make it to President Biden’s desk for signature. So, if you have employees that have signed arbitration agreements, keep reading.

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If your company makes its employees sign arbitration agreements, then this post is for you.

The rest of you can get an early start on happy hour find something else to read while sipping your morning cup of coffee. Continue reading

Congratulations! You’ve made half-way through “Amy Coney Barrett Week” at The Employer Handbook. Well, technically, you won’t reach the midpoint until you get about 178 words into this 356-word-long post, but you get the idea.

So, how about we discuss the thrilling, compelling, edge-of-your-seat world of arbitration provisions? Continue reading


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It’s called the FAIR Act, which stands for the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act. The FAIR Act would amend the Federal Arbitration Act to prohibit a pre-dispute arbitration agreement from being valid or enforceable if it requires arbitration of an employment, consumer, antitrust, or civil rights dispute. Continue reading

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