Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing
EXCLUSIVE(ish)! Philly Chamber sues to block new law banning job interview questions about salary history
Earlier this year, Philadelphia passed a law banning employers from asking about a job applicant’s salary history. In that blog post, I foreshadowed a possible lawsuit from business groups to block the law, which would otherwise take effect on May 23.
What went down at the EEOC Meeting on the State of the Workforce and the Future of Work?
So, glad you asked.
In a nutshell, the consensus was that training, vocational and apprenticeship programs are essential to creating more employment opportunities for workers. While technology and removing barriers for folks with disabilities could create more opportunities for more educated workers; one panelist cited President Trump’s push for infrastructure investment as a way to create jobs for blue collar workers.
For more on yesterday’s meeting at the EEOC, here is the EEOC press release. I took the liberty of curating the live tweet stream here. And, you can find bios and written testimony from the panelists here.
Ok, I’ll bite. Why did Cracker Barrel fire Brad’s wife?
In case you haven’t heard, Cracker Barrel fired Brad’s wife — or so we’re told. And, the internet is losing it’s you-know-what.
If you’re late to the party, and don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, read these posts:
- Why did Cracker Barrel fire Brad’s wife? The Internet demands answers. (WaPo)
No, not even the ADA requires accommodating an alcoholic’s DUI-related incarceration
![By Versageek (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons Sobriety checkpoint easthaven ct](
By Versageek (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Allowing an alcoholic to attend AA to remain clean and sober? That works.
But, accommodating an alcoholic who “falls off the wagon,” gets a DUI, and needs time off from work because he is incarcerated? Not so much.
Social media adds to January 2017’s unemployment numbers
I feel like, last week, I was a little harsh on ADA plaintiffs. So, today, to show mercy that I’m an equal-opportunity jerk, I’ll focus on people who either lost their jobs or stand on pretty precarious footing because of social media.
The Employer Handbook readers have some crazy job-interview stories. Crazazy!
On Wednesday, I blogged here about CareerBuilder’s list of the most unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process. And, yeah, the stuff they listed was pretty unusual.
I guess.
But, then I thought, “Eric, your readers must have some scary-ass deposition transcripts great stories that would put CareerBuilder’s list to shame.
“So, are you going to finish those crumbs on your desk? Oh, and hire me!”
Well, since salary-history questions are going to be off-limits soon in Philadelphia. And, since other cities may follow this blazed trail and create a trend — just do better than what your city calls, a “Philly Cheesesteak.” Trust me, yours is awful — hiring managers must discuss other things during job interviews.
No more job-applicant salary-history questions allowed in Philadelphia ever again. Possibly.
When last we visited the whirlwind saga of the City of Philadelphia’s proposed bill that would ban employers from asking about applicant salary history, I was waxing poetic about Animal House, suggesting here that Mayor Kenney was slowing his roll after City Council had unanimously approved the bill.
Yeah, about that…
School employee fired after correcting student’s spelling on Twitter.
There’s gotta be an HR lesson here somewhere. Oh, I think I can come up with something.