Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing

The good news for this employee is that her viral Facebook post earned her an award.

The bad news is that the “award” was “Racist of the Week.”

The ugly news — well, other than the post itself — was that the employee lost her job and likely impaired her ability to find similar employment anytime soon.

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Wanda with a frown

A man has filed this Charge with the National Labor Relations Board, claiming that his former employer violated the National Labor Relations Act when it fired him, allegedly, because the company didn’t think he was “happy and smiling and positive.”

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TMZ — respect, I get stories from TMZ — reports here that a server at a Maryland restaurant blasted Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams on Facebook for allegedly tipping him $0.75 on a $128.25 meal tab:

“Just now at work I had Deangelo Williams come in and I waited on while tending bar. His check was $128.25. He left me $129 with no tip but .75 cents. So there you go Stealers fans, your running back is cheap as s**t!!! Smh.” 

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