Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing

[After publishing this post, I was contacted by counsel for the City of Charlotte. It seems that some of the facts in both this post and the underlying reports upon which I based this post don’t tell the full story. So is this … (pause) … “Fake News”?!? Here is a follow-up post I ran based on the information the City attorney provided me.] Continue reading

Tomi Lahren by Gage Skidmore.jpgUntil a few weeks ago, I had no idea what a “Tomi Lahren” was?

However, it seems that a lot of folks have heard of her. And, since she’s now suing Glenn Beck and her former employer, TheBlaze, Inc., for wrongful termination, I get to write about it.

And generate some quality clickbait.

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Philadelphia City Hall

Earlier this year, Philadelphia passed a law banning employers from asking about a job applicant’s salary history. In that blog post, I foreshadowed a possible lawsuit from business groups to block the law, which would otherwise take effect on May 23.

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So, glad you asked.

In a nutshell, the consensus was that training, vocational and apprenticeship programs are essential to creating more employment opportunities for workers. While technology and removing barriers for folks with disabilities could create more opportunities for more educated workers; one panelist cited President Trump’s push for infrastructure investment as a way to create jobs for blue collar workers.

For more on yesterday’s meeting at the EEOC, here is the EEOC press release. I took the liberty of curating the live tweet stream here. And, you can find bios and written testimony from the panelists here.

Cracker Barrel, 10/2014 by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Cracker #BarrelIn case you haven’t heard, Cracker Barrel fired Brad’s wife — or so we’re told. And, the internet is losing it’s you-know-what.

If you’re late to the party, and don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, read these posts:

  • Why did Cracker Barrel fire Brad’s wife? The Internet demands answers. (WaPo)
“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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