Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


On Wednesday, I blogged here about CareerBuilder’s list of the most unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process. And, yeah, the stuff they listed was pretty unusual.

I guess.

But, then I thought, “Eric, your readers must have some scary-ass deposition transcripts great stories that would put CareerBuilder’s list to shame.

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Running on a treadmillWell, since salary-history questions are going to be off-limits soon in Philadelphia. And, since other cities may follow this blazed trail and create a trend — just do better than what your city calls, a “Philly Cheesesteak.” Trust me, yours is awful —  hiring managers must discuss other things during job interviews.

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Philadelphia City Hall - 2

When last we visited the whirlwind saga of the City of Philadelphia’s proposed bill that would ban employers from asking about applicant salary history, I was waxing poetic about Animal House, suggesting here that Mayor Kenney was slowing his roll after City Council had unanimously approved the bill.

Yeah, about that…

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Shake shack cheese fries.jpg
You’ll have to pardon the headline.

I’m not nearly as articulate as the Third Circuit was in yesterday’s opinion in Karlo v. Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, using words like “cognizable” and “disproportionate adverse impact.” And, even though the Third Circuit sits in Philadelphia, you won’t find local lingo like “old head” or “jawn” anywhere in the opinion.

Although, I’m pretty sure page 6 has a cheez whiz stain on it.

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The lede could’ve described me in my youngers days
Many years ago
A few years ago
Several months ago
Two weeks ago
Well, maybe it continues to describe me. At least, that’s what the note in my personnel file says.

However, we’re not here today to talk about me…

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