Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing

Elizabeth Breton (@3641_1) on Twitter

Remember when I told you (in this blog post, this article, and this tv interview) that private-sector employees have no First Amendment right, while government employees have limited free-speech rights?

I lied.

Actually, I was telling the truth. Today’s blog post proves that. Continue reading

Comic BooksAs I type out this post at 10:15 pm on Sunday evening, there are many reasons why I am thankful that NBC10 in Philadelphia tapped me for an interview that aired on Sunday. Not the least of which is that I can make this blog post a short one, link to the video, and get back to bingeing The Defenders on Netflix.

If you have 9 minutes and 24 seconds to spare today, and you missed last week’s blog posts on the subject, you can watch the video here.


Lee Park, Charlottesville, VAFollowing a tumultuous weekend in Charlottesville, VA, where a white nationalist march turned deadly, it appears as though at least one attendee will return home from the rally to find himself unemployed.

Continue reading

Mr Brainwash Biggie TupacThis may not be Magic vs. Bird or Biggie vs. Tupac. Those battles are too close to call.

But, if I were to ask you which side of the country, east coast or west coast, would offer greater judicial support for the employment rights of medicinal-marijuana cardholders, you’d say west for sure, right?

And you’d be wrong… Continue reading

Last month, the Massachusetts Supreme Court held (here) that a local employer may have a duty to accommodate an employee’s use of medicinal marijuana. You can read more about that decision at Jon Hyman’s Ohio Employer’s Law Blog.

Wait, what? If marijuana is still considered an illegal drug under federal law — it is — what duty could an employer possibly have to accommodate an employee’s use of marijuana, even for medical purposes?

Maybe, it’s not so clear. Continue reading


Back in the day, landing on “Community Chest” in Monopoly was second only to building hotels on Boardwalk.

But, even with inflation, neither approaches the feeling of discovering that your employer goofed by agreeing to provide you with $2,747,400 in severance pay, rather than the previously agreed-upon $80,805.97.

Yep, that happened.

Rut roh! Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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