Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


Image Credit: License: CC0 Public Domain

I’ve said many times before on this blog that employees always have the right to freedom of speech — even on social media. But, words have consequences. And no law guarantees the right to continued employment.

But, there are limited exceptions to that rule. I’ll address one of them with you today. Continue reading


ts that ould notImage by kdbcms from Pixabay

He called him an “***hole” and “stupid” too. Then, he told the owner that nobody liked him, everyone talked about him behind his back, and even threatened that the owner would regret firing him if he did.

Sure enough, the company violated the law when it fired him. Seriously. Continue reading

Supreme Court.jpg

Public Domain, Link

I know I said that I would post a mediation video today. But, give me a rain check on that, and I think that I can do you one better. If you would be interested in an upcoming Zoom with me and a member of the EEOC Mediation Unit, give me a “hell yeah!”

But, for now, I’ve got to talk about yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru.

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Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay

Both a Harvard graduate and a police detective who supported the recent Black Lives Matter protests appear to be finding out the hard way that posting violent threats on social media, even if in jest, can end up costing a job. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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