Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


Suppose your company receives a complaint from an employee that one of his co-workers is voicing support for Vladimir Putin. The company investigates and validates the complaint. Can you fire the co-worker? Sure. We covered that yesterday. But that wasn’t the tricky question.

Should the company fire the Putin supporter? Continue reading


I’m not sure if we are still in the middle of the “Great Resignation,” the “Great Renegotiation,” or something else entirely. I am sure, however, that I could go for a great piece of coconut cream pie right now.

Additionally, I know that among life’s certainties are death, taxes, and employees complaining about their jobs. And those complaints are usually filed on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Reddit.

I understand that your company may be inclined to take matters into its own hands when employees complain on social media about work by, err, “facilitating” their exit from the company. But before you hand out any pink slips, read this post. Continue reading

Antonio Brown, 2021

All-Pro Reels, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers pulled off a tremendous late comeback to defeat the New York Jets yesterday. However, Tampa Bay Wide Receiver Antonio Brown’s abrupt exit during the waning minutes of the third quarter is what has people talking. Continue reading

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Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that a Texas man received 15 months in prison for perpetrating a hoax related to COVID-19 after a federal jury found him guilty of two counts of 18 U.S.C. § 1038, which criminalizes false information and hoaxes related to biological weapons.

Here’s more from the press release:

Over at the FisherBroyles Employment Law Blog, my partner, Amy Epstein Gluck, wrote here about a recent federal court finding that a Catholic school could not avoid discrimination claims after firing a gay teacher from a secular position.

Serendipitously, I just read a story about a lesbian seeking to become a women’s lacrosse coach at a Catholic high school. The school initially withdrew the offer. But, this story has a happy ending. Continue reading

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