Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave

According to FMLASource, employee requests for Family and Medical Leave Act leave rose over 10% in 2010. The top reasons for FMLA absences:

1. personal illness/injury,

    2. caring for a child, and
    3. caring for an elderly relative

With a rise in claims coupled with recent amendments to the FMLA, now is a good time to make sure that your business has a strong, written FMLA policy and is otherwise prepared to address employee requests for FMLA leave in 2011.

My blog designers told me that if I want to build SEO — that’s Search Engine Optimization to you rookies — I’d better write about employment law issues affecting Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware (duh!) and “optimize” my blog post titles with the keywords near the front.

Learn more about which employees are covered after the jump.
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